Ann Kuss

14 articles by:

Ann Kuss

Ann Kuss is the CEO at Outstaff Your Team. After 11 years of expertise in building remote tech teams for startup unicorns and global tech brands, Ann decided to lead a new venture aiming to reinvent the way international tech teams scale. Throughout her career, Ann hired specialists for countless tech positions from more than 17 countries on all major continents. Ann graduated from Kyiv-Mohyla business school, is an MIM Kyiv alumna, and regularly takes part in mentorship programs for junior tech talents. Ann actively promotes knowledge sharing and curates Outstaff Your Team blog strategy, preferring topics that solve practical needs of IT leaders. She believes that structuring business flows (including hiring) is a well-planned journey with predictable and successful outcome.


Why Tech Candidates Accept Competitors’ Job Offers

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Ann Kuss July 23, 2024 5 min read

Is Tech Hiring Slowing Down Due to Recession or Internal Factors?

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Ann Kuss July 4, 2024 8 min read

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an App Developer?

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Ann Kuss June 27, 2024 12 min read

Top Strategies to Find Developers for Your Startup

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Ann Kuss June 20, 2024 13 min read

Front-End vs. Back-End Developer Salary: How to Set Them?

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Ann Kuss June 14, 2024 8 min read

Product Team Structure: Should You Copy Amazon’s or Spotify’s?

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Ann Kuss June 6, 2024 7 min read

How Much Does A Recruitment Agency Charge By Country?


Ann Kuss May 30, 2024 10 min read

How to: Managing Remote Teams and Overseeing Tech Projects

12 Tips

Ann Kuss May 3, 2024 9 min read

Technical Team Augmentation: How to Make the Most of Outstaffing

What are the secrets?

Ann Kuss March 12, 2024 7 min read

How to Minimize Cost of Hiring an Employee?

What’s the secret?

Ann Kuss February 15, 2024 7 min read