Recruit & Retain:
Winning Tech Talent’s Hearts as Times Change

Author of the book
Ann Kuss, CEOWhat’s inside?
4 out of 10 businesses can’t keep their tech specialists as long as they used to before. While the average turnover cost is 30% of developers’ annual compensation. Learn what tools can help you keep new hires on board long-term.
Time-tested retention techniques for team’s motivation.
Financial vs. non-financial rewards. What to prioritize?
Tips on how data analysis in HR Ops can save resources.
Tech pro’s lifecycle in the team and why it’s important.
Best practices of talent retention used by tech giants.
What’s inside?
4 out of 10 businesses can’t keep their tech specialists as long as they used to before. While the average turnover cost is 30% of developers’ annual compensation. Learn what tools can help you keep new hires on board long-term.
Time-tested retention techniques for team’s motivation.
Financial vs. non-financial rewards. What to prioritize?
Tips on how data analysis in HR Ops can save resources.
Tech pro’s lifecycle in the team and why it’s important.
Best practices of talent retention used by tech giants.
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