Tech Recruitment:
Global Talent Landscape in 2023 and Beyond

Author of the book
Ann Kuss, CEOWhat’s inside?
Economic shifts trigger layoffs in tech giant companies, making thousands of top specialists look for new jobs. The most sought-after talent is off the market within 10 days. Learn how to turn your company into a magnet for top-class tech talent.
Powerful tactics for hiring tech talent during recession.
Proven methods to attract seasoned tech specialists.
Tips on how data analysis in HR Ops can save resources.
Insights on how AI can help your tech company in hiring.
Step-by-step guide to make scaling more efficient.
What’s inside?
Economic shifts trigger layoffs in tech giant companies, making thousands of top specialists look for new jobs. The most sought-after talent is off the market within 10 days. Learn how to turn your company into a magnet for top-class tech talent.
Powerful tactics for hiring tech talent during recession.
Proven methods to attract seasoned tech specialists.
Tips on how data analysis in HR Ops can save resources.
Insights on how AI can help your tech company in hiring.
Step-by-step guide to make scaling more efficient.
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