Viktoria Semeniuk

3 articles by:

Viktoria Semeniuk

Viktoria is our Talent Acquisition specialist, the talent guru of Outstaff Your Team. With extensive experience in IT, programming, and HR, she is the one who finds the best tech talent gems across markets and geographic locations. Meticulously working with the requirements for the job offerings, she identifies and engages the best candidates that will be the future match for the tech positions. She elaborates sourcing strategy and keeps her finger on the pulse with the competitive market.


AI Engineer Salary Trends: Deep Dive into Numbers

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Viktoria Semeniuk July 18, 2024 14 min read

Software Developer Skills and Team Roles in Demand in 2024

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Viktoria Semeniuk April 30, 2024 7 min read

Full-Stack Developer Roadmap: Skills and Milestones

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Viktoria Semeniuk April 23, 2024 6 min read